
Completed thriller feature

Bad Habits Fair Play Films Slate
Bad Habits Fair Play Films Slate

High concept comedy: 6 episodes or 2 features

High concept comedy: 6 episodes or 2 features*

Kittens in a Cage Fair Play Films Slate
Kittens in a Cage Fair Play Films Slate

Season 1 Trailer
*slate includes license to Season 1

Horror Anthology: Feature

Terror in Technicolor

A horror anthology series showcasing queer voices and stories, featuring a recurring ensemble cast and special guest stars.

***Contest Overview***

Open to Underrepresented/LGBTQ+ non-union writers, eight winners receive:

  • Three one-on-one mentoring sessions with a renowned TV writer

  • Opportunity to see their script brought to life

Hannigan Fair Play Films Slate
Hannigan Fair Play Films Slate
Hardy Boys Must Die! Fair Play Films Slate
Hardy Boys Must Die! Fair Play Films Slate

Horror Comedy Feature: Treatment

Horror Feature: Treatment